Tuesday, August 31, 2010

In Goddess We Trust!

I channel angels, guides, and spirits quite a bit. Lately, most of my channelings have been with the Goddess. I became intensely aware of her presence in my life in 2009. I channeled a guide named Crystal who helped me to write a book about vibrating high in a low vibrating world. I have been tweaking it, and hope to publish it soon. Here is a short explanation of the Goddess, taken from that book:

"The goddess is the mother, the female half. When she holds you in her hands, you are healed, nurtured, and safe. She is responsible for the ascension of all of her children. She is not affected by human emotions, but she is capable of handing down Karma for our own good and knowledge. When you pray to the Goddess, expect results fast. She is capable of making anything happen for you, so long as it is in your highest and best good. She would never, ever punish or hurt one of her children. She is thrilled when you pray to her. She wants to help and nurture you. The Goddess wants you to succeed. Once you have begun communicating with Her, all things are possible for you. Expect the unexpected. Believe the unbelievable. Realize that things are often not what they seem. Learn to use your own intuition to discern truth for yourself. She will help you do that. She will also help to give you the conviction to stand up for what you believe in, regardless of whether it is mainstream or not."

As I watch the strange events unfolding in our country, I can't help but think, we need a Goddess on earth now. We need a woman to rise up as a mouthpiece for the Goddess. We need someone who can inspire through love, example, and honesty. We need someone who can speak freely, without the constrictions of a network, a political party, or religion. We have had many Goddesses who have helped to change the world. Maya Angelou, Mother Teresa, Oprah and Princess Di are a few who come to mind, though there have been too many to list. Somehow, these women reached deep inside of themselves brought forth their own divinity. In doing so, they have managed to help millions of people. The younger generations have become complacent, however. They have stopped sending their Goddesses out to the world to speak their truth.

People have really started to falter, to lose hope. When we can clear out the layers of fear, disolve our differences, and learn to cooperate, our vibration will rise. The collective consciousness will raise higher and higher. We will truly understand and practice undconditional love. The Divine Feminine energy that is surging right now will change the way that we interact with each other. We will truly live in peace. Our children will have a chance at a better future. Women will take their rightful place as the powerful, loving leaders that they truly are. It is my hope that I can inspire other women to embrace their inner Goddess. It is our right and responsibility to make the world a better place!

In love and peace,

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