Thursday, April 26, 2012

I am writing a book. I've been writing it for three years, off and on. I finally wrote the last paragraph last week. I am really excited to give it a final edit and be ready to move forward with publishing. The book itself is fiction, but there is a lot of spirituality mixed in. A lot of what goes into my work just flows through me, from sources beyond my conscious mind. The following quote is from my new book. It is one of those brilliant bits of writing that I cannot really take credit for personally, but I love it.  

"I want to spread love. I want to spread peace and understanding. I give myself freedom to follow my own intuition . I recognize that I am a powerful, divine being, a Goddess in my own right. If more human beings understood their own vast potential to spread love and make the world a better place, can you imagine how wonderful it would be? I firmly believe that by loving instead of fearing, I can make a difference in this world. My love, my actions, and my example can encourage people of all faiths to be the best that they can be. I don’t expect anyone to join me on my path, it is mine alone to follow. It is my responsibility to inspire every person that I come in contact with to walk their own path with love, compassion, and understanding. Sometimes I am misunderstood. Sometimes there are people who are stuck in fear who cannot see past our differences. That just encourages me to love more, understand more, and spread more light.”

These words feel like the creed of my life. I suspect that they feel like the creed of your life as as well. We are so powerful when we work together in love!